Why a Two-Week Notice is Important
June 29, 2021
Burned out from being over worked? Tired of the commute? Is the fulfillment and stimulation of your current role not what it used to be? Maybe you are just ready for a change of scenery. In any scenario, at some point before these thoughts of change kicked in, you enjoyed the company/work. Your team was exciting, the workload was manageable, and you had fun! While changes are inevitable, how you handle the changes are what is important; not only to you personally but also your career. It is exciting to start new challenges, and sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the new adventures without thinking about your current situation.
Two-week notices are just as important today as they were 40 years ago. Giving proper notice can be difficult and/or scary sometimes, but giving reasonable notice to your current employer/manager/team is a way to wrap up existing obligations and to help tie up loose ends that may be pending. It allows for the structure of the team to come together and fill in gaps that your moving on will surely create. Providing a company proper notice will show that you respect the team as a whole and the individuals you have worked so closely with.
Proper notice should be handled professionally and in a timely fashion. A short typed up letter either emailed or dropped off directly to your current manager is the best route to take. Be sure to mark the date, your full name, your final day(s) and a short thank you for your time with the company. No more than a paragraph is needed. Sharing the reasons behind the decision is a personal choice and would be based on individual circumstances. If you do not feel comfortable sharing – don’t.
The world is a small place. Respect and common courtesy go a long way. Leaving on good terms no matter the situation, leaves that door open. Besides, you may end up running into that person or team again in the future. Wouldn’t your life be easier now if you know you left them in good terms last time you saw them?